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Il mio prodotto agricolo di montagna lo degusti nell' HOME RESTAURANT Marco e Pier a Capriglio
Scopri il ristorante casalingo per i sani e corretti stili di vita CLICCA QUI

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Campagna Amica di Lagrimone clicca qui
i miei prodotti a casa vostra,
in negozio e cucinati per voi.
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extravergine di oliva appena franto

"Biosphere Reserve - 100 Lakes Park"
from Tuscany to the Parma Apennines

From the experience gained inLILT (Italian League Against Cancer)and inRURAL agricultural biodiversity,the professional farmer Marco Morganti who moved here from Tuscany. offers you its products that it grows and raises in a natural way suitable for healthy and correct lifestyles and for specific problems and eating disorders. The breeding and cultivation of ancient breeds allow us to offer foods with an ancient flavor and the local Apennine tradition.

Free delivery everywhere
Customized products based on specific medical, nutritional and herbal indications.
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